About Course
To avail training in aviation transport protection, a learner must choose aviation certificate courses to get professional and technical training for the relevant field/ department. SCS is facilitated with professional and experienced staff that will teach the learners to gain certificate 2 in aviation transport protection qualifications.
Nationally Accredited Course
At NSTA we believe in empowering the next generation of students, to dream bigger and use technology for good. Drones are increasingly becoming well known for their ability to increase safety and efficiencies, whilst reducing costs in comparison to traditional means of data capture. Drones are incredibly agile, and the latest technology means that they can provide rich, detailed information & data which can often be used across different departments to enhance business decisions.
To avail training in aviation transport protection, a learner must choose aviation certificate courses to get professional and technical training for the relevant field/ department. SCS is facilitated with professional and experienced staff that will teach the learners to gain certificate 2 in aviation transport protection qualifications.
Release 1. This is the first release of this qualification in the AVI Aviation Training Package.
This qualification is relevant to individuals operating remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS), in compliance with relevant regulatory requirements of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) and national operating standards.
Remote pilots operating at this level will apply non-technical and technical knowledge and skills to demonstrate autonomy and judgement and will take limited responsibility in known and stable operational contexts within established regulatory parameters.
Licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication. This qualification aligns to Remote Pilot Licensing requirements described in Civil Aviation Safety Regulation (CASR) Part 101 — Unmanned aircraft and rockets and Part 101 Manual of Standards.
Civil and military personnel seeking certification as remote pilots should check requirements with CASA
Entry Requirements :
There are no entry requirements for this qualification.
Packaging Rules :
A minimum of 14 units of competency comprising:
- 9 Core Units listed below plus
- 2 Elective Units selected from
- The Group A: General, plus
- At least 1 elective unit selected from the Group B: Specialist elective, plus
- At least 2 units selected from the Group C: Operation type elective units listed below
- The following units have a prerequisite unit: ·
- AVIY0025 Operate powered lift and tilt rotor remote pilot aircraft systems
- AVIY0029 Operate rotary wing remote pilot aircraft systems
- AVIY0030 Operate fixed wing remote pilot aircraft systems
- The following units have a prerequisite unit: ·
Core Units :
- AVIF0021 : Manage human factors in remote pilot aircraft systems operations
- AVIH0006 : Navigate remote pilot aircraft systems
- AVIW0028 : Operate and manage remote pilot aircraft systems
- AVIW0004 : Perform operational inspections on remote operated systems
- AVIY0052 : Control remote pilot aircraft systems on the ground
- AVIY0023 : Launch, control and recover a remotely piloted aircraft
- AVIY0053 : Manage remote pilot aircraft systems energy source requirements
- AVIY0031 : Apply the principles of air law to remote pilot aircraft systems operations
- AVIZ0005 : Apply situational awareness in remote pilot aircraft systems operations.
Elective Units :
Group A – General
- AVIE0003 : Operate aeronautical radio
- AVIE0005 : Complete a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM)
- AVIF0023 : Apply aircraft safety procedures
- AVIF0034 : Apply aviation work health and safety procedures
- AVIG0003 : Work effectively in the aviation industry
- AVIY0032 : Apply RPAS payload and configuration management principles
- AVIZ0004 : Maintain security awareness and vigilance in an aviation workplace
Group B – Specialist Elective
- AVIY0024 : Operate remote pilot airship
- AVIY0025 : Operate powered lift and tilt rotor remote pilot aircraft systems
- AVIY0027 : Operate multi-rotor remote pilot aircraft systems
- AVIY0029 : Operate rotary wing remote pilot aircraft systems
- AVIY0030 : Operate fixed wing remote pilot aircraft systems
Group C – Operation Type
- AVIH0007 : Operate remote pilot aircraft systems under night visual line of sight (NVLOS)
- AVIH0008 : Operate remote pilot aircraft systems extended visual line of sight (EVLOS)
- AVIW0006 : Perform infrastructure inspections using remote operated systems
- AVIW0007 : Perform aerial mapping and modelling using remote pilot aircraft systems
- AVIW0008 : Conduct aerial search using remote pilot aircraft systems
- AVIW0009 : Conduct aerial delivery-retrieval using remote pilot aircraft systems
- AVIY0026 : Conduct aerial application operations using remote pilot operated system